Notepad Printing

26 11 2011

A few days ago I came across something seriously useful. I teach school and had a student come in tardy to class. The student handed me a note from a teacher excusing his tardiness. Now, I don’t like to point it out, but from time to time it’s not always easy to trust teenagers, so when they come in tardy delivering a note, the notes validity is sometimes questioned; even if it is signed by the teacher. You’d be amazed at how well students can forge signatures. However not on this occasion. I didn’t even challenge the notes credibility. Why you ask? Because of the note paper that it was written on. In the top corner was a graphic and the teacher’s name printed right on the note paper. Customized note pages! What an excellent idea!

I came to the conclusion I had to get some. So I went to talk with the teacher. He explained that he purchased them off the internet and that they were not really that costly. I went home that night and began to do a little notepad printing research. I located a lot of places that do notepad printing, but with varying costs. Naturally, I being on a teacher’s budget was looking for the cheapest notepad printing I could possibly locate and yet get a quality product. I came across a notepad printing service called PrintNinja who claimed to have “wicked low printing prices” and excellent quality. It looked awesome. I can get great quality, cheap notepad printing with my made to order look. This is going to be great for school. Other teachers will never be tricked by phony notes with my name ever again!